Sep 11, 2009


Well, after a ton of planning and much anticipation, I HAVE FINALLY ARRIVED IN AIX!

I was greeted at the Marseille Airport on Saturday morning by a student from CROUS, an organization that helps students with residences, jobs, etc. I was at first very taken aback by the "kiss on each cheek" greeting, but she was really nice. We took the bus to my dorm, situated in the Cité Universitaire. I am in "Gazelle" residence, in Pavillon 3 (there are 7 Pavillons). My room is kinda old and not the cleanest place I have ever seen but it's definitely spacious. After unpacking a few things I sent out to find the "ED", which the student who picked me up from the airport informed me is the cheapest supermarket, so I could pick up some cleaning supplies. I had to ask a few people and it took me a while but eventually I found it! It was a good way to see a bit of the town.

Saturday night was a little rough; I was jetlagged and couldn't sleep, and since I had just arrived that day I hadn't met anyone yet, so I was severely homesick and had a hard time sleeping. Sunday I wanted to keep busy, so I took my laptop to a caf é with free WiFi (I didn't have internet in my room yet) and had lunch. Then I walked around Aix and tried to get my bearings. I was trying to find the school, since I had to be there at 9 this morning, and I met a really nice Romanian guy who offered to walk me there, and he pointed out some other cool sights along the way (ie. a British tea company, a good place to have coffee, etc.) Then I went to the Parc Jourdan, a park right by my residence and very popular with students, especially on Sundays, and read for a few hours. I didn't even have time to be homesick!

Today we had an orientation session at the school. I walked there with a girl I met on my floor from Morocco. We were served a light breakfast (the croissants were AMAZING) and had some time to meet all the other international students. I met people from Australia, Austria, England, Germany, Turkey and the States. There is even a girl from BC! After an information session, we had to take a French test to see what level we were at. I had lunch at one of the caféterias, which are located all around town and sell meals to students for 2.90€ (you can't beat a price like that in Aix, which is the second most expensive town in France, after Paris!). Later we were lead around town by some French students who run the "Assoication Internationale", an association for international students. Tonight the Association is holding a soirée at the "Manoir", one of the pubs. Good chance to meet some more people!
I still have a lot to do to get settled - need to open a bank account, get a cell phone, buy a fridge (they said they would be provided but they're not!) and some other stuff, but I finally have internet in my room, so that's something.

I really like Aix so far. It is a beautiful town - I love all the cafés with the little tables outside, and the architecture is amazing. My school is also gorgeous, and it is right across from the "Grand Cathédral". The streets all look very similar though and I'm still trying to get my bearings but I'm looking forward to getting to know it better!

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