Sep 27, 2009

Course selection, hiking, and yachts

A few noteworthy things happened this week.

1) I have made my final class selection. My timetable is as follows:

French Language.................... 10-12
Intro to International Relations... 2-4

French Political Institutions...... 2-4

International Organizations........ 10-12
Geopolitics of South-east Asia .... 2-4
French Civilisation................ 4:30-6

Thursday and Friday I have off :)

Unlike at Simon Fraser, where each class has about 3 to 4 hours a week of class, each class here only has 2, so that's why I have to take more classes than I would at home.

2) On Friday some friends and I hiked the Sainte-Victoire, a mountain just outside of Aix. We found the hike pretty challenging (even though we opted for the "easy" route, it still wasn't easy!) but the view at the top was totally worth it. There is actually an old church up there! We commented on how it would make a lovely spot for a wedding... then realized you'd have no way of getting up there, unless you hiked up in your wedding dress! Once at the top, we walked ACROSS the mountain (I felt like a member for the Van Trapp family escaping the Nazis) and then found a trail back down on the opposite side we had hiked up. We started hiking at about 9 and didn't get down til 3 so (although we took breaks) it was a LONG hike! It was hot out too but definitely worth it.

3) On Saturday I went to Saint Tropez. We went with a group, as the trip was organized by this man named George who organizes trips around the area for students at decent prices. We got to stroll around the town of Saint Tropez for a bit (huge yachts and pricey stores - although there was a pretty cool flea market going on!) and then we were off to the beach (not sure of the name) which was LOVELY. The sand was white and the water was so blue (and not very cold!) It felt great to be laying on a beach (near the end of September!) after having hiked the day before.

Today = laundry. Haven't done any since I've been here so that neeeeeeds to happen!

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