Sep 11, 2009

The first week

So I have been in Aix almost a week now, and I'm starting to get a taste of what it's like to be living here as an international student.

As far as orientation goes, we have been doing a 2 hour session everyday called "Bienvenue en France". We have just been going over all things pertinent to living in France, ie. grammar, a bit of French history, the proper French way to greet people (by kissing them on each cheek - this is called "la bise"). It's actually been kind of fun, the guy teaching it is super nice (he is a prof at the school).

In terms of going out, on Monday the "Association Internationale" organized a pub night at the Manoir. Most of the international students were there and it was a really good time! Tuesday we went to the "Wohoo" (yes, that's the name of the bar) another charming little place, complete with stone walls. I met some more people, including a guy from California! He had even heard of my hometown, which is an hour outside of downtown Los Angeles, that not many people know of. Wednesday night I was pretty tired so I just took it easy. Last night a guy on my floor had a little drinks/appetizers gathering in his room (met some people from France so it was a good opportunity to speak French - most people I have met speak English!) then I was off to the Sunset Café (more awesome ancient-looking stone walls...) for some Indie music.

In between the "Bienvenue en France" classes and the pub outings, I have been walking all over Aix trying to take care of "business" stuff. So far I have managed to get a cell phone, set up a bank account and rent a fridge from the school (easier said than done!). I also made my first trip to Marseille to drop off some documents that I need to get my "carte de long sejour", which will enable me to study here for the year. So I've definitely been keeping busy, waiting in lines and trying to figure stuff out. The upside of all this is that I think my French is already starting to improve! I also finally went to to buy groceries, and today we're going to 'FLY', which is apparently just like IKEA since there are no IKEAS in Aix, to get some pots, pans, plates, etc. Then I can start cooking for myself (by that I mean making pasta and soup).

I'm having fun but missing the loved ones at home! Thinking of you guys.

1 comment:

  1. soup and pasta can be good. I enjoyed reading your blog so far.......... have fun!!!!!!!!
