May 11, 2010


Although life in Aix-en-Provence can be frustrating at times (although to be honest it’s probably got more to do with the fact that I basically live in a student ghett… residence, and that my university is probably the most unorganized institution EVER) it is really quite a beautiful town and there are many things I love about living here. Since I will soon be leaving (destination: reality) I thought it might be a good idea to jot down some things I’m going to miss about “la vie aixoise.”

I will miss: the numerous boulangeries (“bakeries”) filled with things like baguettes, croissants, pain au chocolats and crème brûlée tartelettes; hearing French being spoken on a daily basis; SPEAKING French on a daily basis; being able to get everywhere in town by foot and thus basically never having to bother with any form of public transportation; having unlimited café choices (all with lovely terraces); going to Orienthé, our FAVOURITE tea house; seeing fountains every 5 minutes; the old-but-OH-so-charming-architecture; the façade of my school, and the fact that is in front of a gorgeous cathedral; the fact that even though Aix is a relatively small town there are at least 4 big cathedrals; seeing the extremely adorable 70-something Frenchman who sits outside my school most days selling paintings; the fact that said Frenchman eats the Frenchest lunch you can imagine (wine, bread and cheese) while sitting at his little booth; being able to buy 2 euro crêpes basically anywhere; 3 euro bottles of wine (that you can buy at the grocery store); never getting ID’d when I go out to the bar; passing the outdoor market in Place Richelme on my way to school; running into at least 4 people I know each time I go into town; basically never having to pay cover to get into a bar/club; spending sunny afternoons in Parc Jourdan, the beautiful student-infested park right in front of my residence; getting a pizza at the student cafeteria for 2.90 euro; the Place d’Albertas (amazing little square with a beautiful fountain, one of my favorite spots in Aix) AND the Sunday flea market.

So, even though living in Aix CAN be frustrating and even though there are several things I will not miss at ALL (shops being closed on Sundays; shops being closed from 12-2 every day of the week; trying not to step in the messes caused by people not picking up after their dogs…) there are definitely more things I will miss than not about living in the amazing city that is Aix-en-Provence.


  1. wont u miss the AMAZING PEOPLE u met here aka SARAH ABJEG and just a tiny bit the two others :p (christine Ehrenhuber and hana bradkova)
    won't u miss losing ur clothes everywhere
    won't u miss running around in the streets with a bottle of wine drunk
    won't u miss running and screaming in the hallway at night
    won't u miss being awaken by the chocked "ouvriers" because u slept on the hallway :p
    won't u miss coming to my room and taking all my biscuits
    won't u miss waiting for me 5 more minutes till i get ready
    won't u miss taking me for u dog or sister i still don't know ... and making weird noises grabing my arm !!
    won't u miss me u espece de garce ? :d
    cause i will:( and i'm already nostalgic about everything
    i'll miss my crazy neighbour

    i love u alex ZWICK and i'll miss u more than anything in here !!
    (et j en ai les larmes aux yeux)

  2. toutes ces choses me manqueront... et en encore!!! tu me manqueras ma petite bonnne :(
